The Star Player

First, I have began to receive some really good feedback from my blog thus far, so thank you to those of you have taken the time to read it and offer comments. Also I'm still playing with fonts, so bear with me.

Today’s post came after I had spoken to a few people about some things that were going on in their lives. Now it wasn’t the content of what they were going through that prompted me to write a new post. It was the “theme” of the advice that I gave to them. That advice centered around being your own #1 fan, or as Katt Williams put it so well, being in tune with your Star Player. You can see him talk about it below.

Now my point in putting that video in is because he touches on a solid point that I believe many of us forget to do from time to time. Many times we get so caught up in trying to be selfless, or wanting to prove to others that we can do something just so we don’t take a hit to our ego or pride. Other times we worry what others might think or say or talk about when we’re not around. And even moreso with that, we sacrifice our own happiness for the sake of others or just to get by with something. So when something doesn’t exactly turn out how we want or we happen upon some harsh unexpected reality, we shut down. Why?

Another thing I’ve learned in my months of being jobless is that it takes an ABSURDLY LARGE amount of effort to sit back and be depressed, feeling bad for yourself, and wishing the world would throw you a pity party; rather than getting up and not allowing the little things (because that’s what they are most of the time) to get us down and bring us into this funk. Let me ask this. When you feel bad or you’re upset about something or “depressed”, do you ever feel better after or during? If you do, then let me know the secret. But otherwise, NO, you feel like absolute crap, so why even put yourself and your mind through something like that? I don’t care how “strong” you are or think you are, everyone at one point or another has felt that way. It may not last long, but surely at some point you’ve felt like less than your normal self.

The key to the above is exactly as Katt said it. Be in tune with your star player. Basically be your #1 fan. When you wake up in the morning, you don’t have to please anyone but yourself. YOU have to be happy and confident with the decisions that you impart upon yourself that day. YOU have to look at yourself in the mirror and smile and be happy with the person who is looking back at you. Too many times we get so wrapped up in how others feel or think about us or say, that that shouldn’t even come close to mattering. When something doesn’t go your way initially, you can give up, throw a temper tantrum, and sulk around or you can turn it around and go back at it 4x as hard. My application to the Navy took an unexpected turn and now I have to wait just a little bit longer to hear if I’ve been accepted to become an Officer. I could’ve easily let that defeat me and just have given up, but then what good does that really do? Now I know that that unexpected turn was a blessing and it was exactly where I needed to be. Even though things with the Navy have been tough and it seemed like a wrench was thrown in plans, I realized that being flexible and adaptable to change is necessary. This is due to me being in tune with my star player and I decided that I was going to do whatever it took to get back in the pipeline.

Just as before, everyone’s situation differs so apply it as you see fit. But being in tune with your star player should be your primary concern from day to day. It sounds like something that should come naturally, but as I said all too often we allow ourselves to be taken off track by other people or things and that causes us to be all messed up. Stop worrying about situations or HATERS. (Haters will be the subject of another post).

Be in tune with YOUR star player. At the end of the day, when there is no one else, the real test will be whether you are able to stand on your own and pick yourself up and keep moving or if you’ll just shrivel up and die. Hopefully you choose the former and not the latter.

Staying in constant tune with your star player will help you get through, climb over, and transcend each obstacle in life. So, I leave you with this, how is your Star Player doing?

Until next time,


Now playing: Black Eyed Peas - Showdown
via FoxyTunes